Oh my gosh! Where DID the time go? I cannot believe it is the end of August, and I have 16 days (including today) to pull this wedding thing off! Today is supposed to be a day off, but I was up at "normal" time (as if waking up before 5 am is "normal" by any standards). Granted, I haven't accomplished much beyond playing with the puppy (OK, dog ... she is 4 years old), and I need to be out of the house in about 90 minutes to start my various and sundry errands.
I had to fly to Richmond on Wednesday to attend a meeting. It is amazing how my everyday life decisions are revolving around "THE WEDDING." Normally, I would have flown up the day before and stayed at a hotel in Emeryville. But not this time! I decided to fly up and back on the same day. I can't fly out of John Wayne and get to Oakland early enough to make a 9 am meeting, so I had to drive to Ontario. And since I had a rental car to return after the meeting ended at 4:00 (oh, did I mention traffic?), the 5:00 return flight to Ontario is out of the question. Let's just say that it's a good thing I am getting paid for OT right now instead of accruing comp time. If it wasn't for $$, I don't think I would purposely subject myself to a 20+ hour day...
But needless to say, sitting at the airport (and sitting at the airport... oh, did I mention that I was sitting at the airport?) provided me with some time to start putting my "to do" list to actual dates. I was doing OK until we met with Pastor Frank last night to work on the ceremony. I am only 2 days into the "to do list with dates", and I am already a day behind! And now I have 1 hr and 15 minutes to get out of the house. ACK! Where are Franck and Howard from Father of the Bride?